SeaVoir Heads to Ohana Fest

22 Sep 2023
SeaVoir Heads to Ohana Fest

SeaVoir is heading to the sandy shores of Ohana Fest!

From September 29th to the 31st, one of California’s most beloved music festivals kicks off on the sun-kissed beaches of Dana Point.

While Ohana Fest might be the one of the newer kids on the block in the neighborhood of Southern California music festivals, its impact on the scene has already been cemented.

How did this three-day Dana Point concert series break into an already crowded space of the golden state’s coastal concerts?

Part of the answer lies in its name: “ohana,” a Hawaiian word meaning the meeting together of one’s extended family and the great joy that accompanies such an occasion, aptly represents the “one big family” energy that permeates the entire festival. Despite the absolutely star-studded line up, there’s an undeniable sense of intimacy between attendees and performers that makes the ocean side festival unlike any other.

Oh, and having the entire festival put together by Eddie Vedder doesn’t hurt either.


Back in 2015, the former Pearl Jam front-man turned oceanic-ambassador established a music festival that equally featured incredible performances by widely established artists and also advocation for the conservation and protection of our oceans. Through a “collection of panels highlighting oceans, activism, environmental justice, art, community, and indigenous voices,” Ohana Fest remains a unique and beautiful voice in the Southern California music scene for its authentic and unabashed support of the restorative movement.

As you might already be thinking, Ohana Fest is the perfect place for SeaVoir, through Ashlan and Philippe Cousteau, to meet artists and attendees who share our passion for the protection of our majestic oceans and to share our wisdom on restoration with our two plus decades experience in environmental conservation.

We can’t wait to share more about one of our partners for this festival, our wonderful and fellow ocean loving friends at The Momentum, next week. 

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